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Something which I wrote for my country "India" , the country full of joy , culture ,tradition and many more but beyond all this each and every person feels proud to be part of such a great country like India and this poem dedicated to those because of whom we are safe "THE INDIAN ARMY" hope you all will like it and show your love for Indian army by doing comment ...please not forget to subscribe my blog.


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Some stories are untold....and main cause for these are misunderstanding. This poetry KAHANI-II basically reflecting  the girl side. If we focus on story ,the boy or girl should initiate at least once.... Please share subscribe and comment


This is what I have written for someone who gives me a situation and I tried to express in my poetic way  the given situation. I hope you all like it ..and please do comment and share my blog.....also next part of this KAHANI-ll coming soon in which the girl side will reflect..... जरूर पढें , एक एसी कहानी जो मेरे एक मित्र द्वारा दी गई है, और इस कविता द्वारा मेने वक्त करने का प्रयास किया है, उम्मीद है आप सभी को मेरी यह प्रस्तुति पसंद आएगी । साथ ही  इस कहानी का अध्याय -2 भी आएगा जिसमे लड़की की भावनाए व्यक्त करने का प्रयास होगा । इसलिए पहले यह कविता जरूर पढे...... और आपके विचार व्यक्त करे कमेंट करके ।

जिदंगी की किताब

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